Torpekus is a show in our Sincro events format, an evening entertainment performance with synchronised audio visual projection, designed for children and ideal for enjoying with the family.
This fantastical adventure tells the story of Torpekus and the Legend of The Lightning Bolts. A child is frightened of storms and their mother tells them this story set in Ancient Greece to help the child to overcome their fears. A fun, educational story, filled with dance and imagination.
Torpekus is a show set in Greece mixing magic, myth, history and culture. All these ingredients can be used on the day of the performance to create scenarios in which the hotel or campsite transforms into a veritable Mount Olympus of the Gods.
A great way to make the most of the première day of Torpekus is to organise various blocks of entertainment activities throughout the day. For example, a Themed Day of Ancient Greek fancy dress; an Olympics Day (when the entertainers dress up as gods and other mythical characters); and later on, you can link the Torpekus projection with a White Sensation evening entertainment party.
Torpekus is a production in our Sincro synchronised projection events format. We’ve created it so that you can give a new exciting aspect to the evening entertainment at your hotel or campsite. These live shows with incorporated audiovisual projection are staged by entertainers who are very talented dancers and actors. The themes of the shows are designed for all ages so that the guests at your establishment will always remember their holidays spent there.