Special healthy workshops

Wellness every day

Coocked : Lorenza Crespi


Demonstration space + Eagerness to try the mixtures + Minimal team of 1 entertainer + Natural ingredients


Adults · Youths

The recipe, step by step

Aloe vera and natural cosmetics workshop

We prepare exfoliators and masks from aloe vera and other natural ingredients.

We make the mixture, learn the benefits of each ingredient and try it on our skin.

We can take away what’s left and, as the recipes are so simple, we can recreate them after the holiday, at home.

Detox ice-cream workshop

We show you that a very healthy ice cream recipe can be both sophisticated and tasty in our detox ice-cream workshop.

Watermelon, cinnamon, kiwi fruit, ginger… our entertainers explain the benefits of each ingredient and how to combine them to make detox ice creams.

The crowning moment is the ice-cream tasting. «Mmm… how delicious!» or  «I’m going to try making this at home» are the most common reactions.


Detox juice workshop

At the Detox juice workshop we present 6 combinations of fruit, vegetables and seeds.

The mixtures, created by an expert in nutrition, are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, and  contain antioxidant properties… They’re also very tasty and refreshing!

Raw Food and Dip In workshops

Raw food is one of the culinary world’s latest trends. We present 6 recipes, one per day,  prepared by an expert in nutrition and naturopathy.

At our recently launched Dip In workshop you can taste jams, compotes and other sauces for compulsive dunking.

We organise healthy workshops to enhance our wellness offer.

With one entertainer, and using natural ingredients, we learn to make face masks, creams, detox juices, detox ice creams and even jams, compotes or sauces .

Fun workshops, ideal for hotels and campsites, where we learn about the benefits of each ingredient, with recipes so simple we can follow them at home.


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