Corporate Mascots

Restyling and implementation

Coocked : Beatriz Diez


Graphic image + Lots of children + Mascot + merchandising


Adults · Youths

The recipe, step by step

The mascot is the common thread which unites the children’s entertainment

How do we create a mascot? We give it personality (values and attitudes), we create its graphic image and physical presence.

We implement a quality process for the maintenance of the mascot, in order to guarantee usage guidelines. Additionally, the establishment should consider creating merchandising, and customising its promotional materials, such as a miniclub passport and pictograms.

The mascot as protagonist

The mascot of the hotel or campsite should always be the protagonist. To this end, Acttiv proposes various events.

One-off, customised events, such as the welcome party at the Hotel Bellevue, which appears in the image, and regular events at which the mascot should always be present, such as the daily minidisco or a weekly road safety school.

Payment options

Spending time with the mascot is free for very young children.

The establishments may implement exclusive services at an extra cost, such as T-shirt painting, or birthday appearances by the mascot. We also create customised proposals adapted to the specificities of the hotel or campsite.

The video which accompanies this recipe shows mascots we’ve created from scratch and others which have been redesigned. Here they are:

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