
Sincro Quiz

Coocked : Karell Rodríguez


Costumes + Projector + Question and Answer Kit + Screen + Team of 2 entertainers


Adults · Families · Youths

The recipe, step by step

Put the guests’ musical knowledge to the test!

Playlist is a quiz featuring a wide range of questions on singers, which can be adapted to suit the players’ country of origin.

Identify the artist, discover interesting facts about them, guess the missing letter in the karaoke song the DJ is playing… Tests which will surprise the guests as part of the evening entertainment at hotels and campsites.

The guests will be the real winners of the evening!

Playlist is a participative activity in three parts: an introduction with synchronised projection, a section of questions section about a singer, and a final part with the answers. Declare yourself the winner!

The competition is presented by entertainers with a gift for showmanship: they know how to win over their audience and they make the guests’ evenings great fun.

Playlist is a production in our events format with synchronised projection: Sincro.

Sincro professionalises evening entertainment at hotels and campsites. The entertainment teams dance in front of synchronized projections which incorporate the latest mapping and special effects techniques; or, as in the case of Playlist, they present an interactive quiz. Convert your stages into television sets!

These events can be launched with just an Acttiv team, a projector and a screen.

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