
Magic transcends the screen

Coocked : Karell Rodríguez


Believe in magic + Chinese fans + Fluorescent cariocas + From 3 to 7 entertainers + LED tiaras + Neon colours


Adults · Families · Kids · Youths

The recipe, step by step

Illusionism for evening entertainment

Magikae is the new Acttiv sincro show. Its guiding thread is magic, presented in the 6 musical numbers that comprise the show. The spectators are visually spellbound by synchronised choreography.

In addition, spectacular images on the screen and a wide range of carefully selected music makes Magikae a show that offers much more than magic. Magikae is illusionism.

The spirit of magic is with us

The “spirit of magic” is a virtual face which appears on stage accompanied by the entertainers. It lends a touch of magical surrealism to the choreographed dances.

Magikae is also notable for its use of sensational accessories such as Chinese fans, masks, fluorescent lights and colours, LED tiaras and fluorescent cariocas … Want to join us on this trip?



Make the most of your stage

For establishments with stages or large teams, we offer an option where entertainers dance in the side spaces outside the multimedia projection, thereby making the most of all the hotel resources. Magic fills the stage!

Magikae is an Acttiv sincro show for families and Adults Only hotels and campsites.

Sincro professionalises evening entertainment at hotels and campsites. The entertainment teams dance in front of synchronized projections which incorporate the latest mapping and special effects techniques. This transforms the stages into spectacular television sets.

These events can be launched with just an Acttiv team, a projector and a screen. The images illustrating this recipe were taken at the Hotel Beverly Playa de Mallorca during the summer of 2018.

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