Fusion Board


Coocked : Lorenza Crespi


Balance + Desire to laugh + Fusion boards + Minimal team of 1 entertainer + Swimming pool


Adults · Youths

The recipe, step by step

Floating boards + swimming pool

Floating boards and a swimming pool are all we need to practise Fusion Board, the latest fitness innovation combining sports and water

We work all the muscle groups by mixing cardio with disciplines such as yoga and pilates. Are you ready?

Flexibility, strength, balance...

We work on flexibility, strength, balance and power in the most enjoyable way. The stability of the board makes it possible to execute static exercises as well as more dynamic ones requiring effort…and extra fun!

Hands up those of you who finish the class without having laughed and with no sore muscles the next day!

Healthy holidays

It’s no problem if we fall into the water. Laughs are guaranteed and splashing never goes wrong!

We complete the sports and well-being programme with Fusion Board. A comprehensive and original training activity ideal for getting your body moving on holiday.

Fusion Board classes are a new addition to our sports and well-being programme, particularly suited to the many guests who don’t stop exercising during their holidays.

The images and the video which accompany this post were taken in summer 2019 at the Tamarit Beach Resort Tarragona campsite.

You can see more fitness activities here.

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