
New target sport

Coocked : Karell Rodríguez


Kubb + Minimal team of 1 entertainer + Target game


Adults · Families · Kids · Youths

The recipe, step by step

Teamwork and target practice!

We reinvent the game popularly known as Viking Chess to test the aim and precision of the guests.

Kubb is played with two teams, from 2 to 12 players. The more participants, the more fun the game!

Two teams battle to knock down the king

The area of play is divided in two, with the King placed in the middle. At each end there are 5 pieces of wood, the Kubb baseline.

The two teams face each other to begin to throw.

The object of the game? To topple the king.

Perfect for every age

Children, adults and families have fun outdoors playing this low-budget game.

Proclaim yourself the winner and remember to smile!

Kubb is an ideal game for children, adults and families.

Only one Acttiv entertainer is needed for this activity.

The photos and the video show the launch at the Tucán and Cala Gogó campsites of the Catalan Sènia chain in July of 2018.

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