Special Themed Days

A theme for every day

Coocked : Lorenza Crespi


Charitable causes + Costumes + Decoration + Hiring of inflatables + Holi powders + Minimal team of 3 entertainers


Adults · Families · Kids · Youths

The recipe, step by step


We devote a day to ice cream, implementing an activity programme for all ages,

We promote the sale of your products via different activities throughout the day. Crafts, scavenger hunts, water games, detox ice-cream demonstrations and even giving to charity. Who will resist the temptation to share the day on social media?


Kongfusion transports hotel establishments to the East. Music, decor and atmosphere play a very important role in this themed day, which starts with workshops and games.

Kongfusion’s flagship activity is the Yellow Humour events. Sumo-wrestling competitions; balancing games; climbing; slides; in and out of the water. Our entertainers form teams and the tournament begins.

Orange Fun Day

Fun is orange at Acctiv. Our corporate colour reflects who we are. People with nothing to hide, transparent and spontaneous. We’re bursting with energy. Our passion for life is contagious.

We organise games to enjoy as a family. The most eagerly anticipated moment is the Holi powder festival. A visual treat that’s also easy to clean up! Holi powders are biodegradable, which means they’re more ecologically friendly than a balloon release.

Charitable cultural fair

At the Charitable Cultural Fair, our workshop booths are themed across the five continents, side by side with those of local artisans showing their small works of art.

The aim is to raise money for a cause matches the values ​​of the establishment. We close the fair with a Holi powder party.

We organise themed days to suit all tastes: Ice Cream Day, Orange Fun Day, the Charitable cultural fair, and Kongfusion are just three examples.

We create fun times for the family to enjoy together. They are the most popular events with this category of guest.

Our themed days can be adapted depending on the establishment’s requirements and guest categories. They can be rounded out with the corresponding themed evenings.

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