

Coocked : Gloria Rodríguez


Coloured pieces + Design templates + Imagination + Minimal team of 1 entertainer + Respect for the environment.



The recipe, step by step

We care for the environment

We present PlayMais, the eco-friendly alternative to modelling clay.

The little coloured pieces to be played with are made from corn flour and food colouring. This guarantees total safety as all the material is non-toxic and 100% biodegradable.

A very simple handicraft

This workshop is perfect for children aged 3 and over.

The children create all kinds of figures; it’s easy and fun. They can follow one of the designs provided or let their imaginations fly. Depending on how keen they are, the participant decides themselves how complex they want it to be!


How many pieces would you like to join together?

You just need to wet your finger and start putting the coloured pieces together.

Trains, trees, a bird, glasses XXL or the establishment’s mascot. Everything is possible! You can even put the pieces on your face because, as we’ve already said, the material is non-toxic.

Taking care of the environment comes to entertainment with this workshop perfect for children aged 3 and over. We use pieces which are 100% biodegradable and non-toxic in this very eco-friendly activity offer.

The participants let their imaginations fly, creating all kinds of simple, fun forms. They just need to wet their finger and start putting colours together.

The images and the video which illustrate this post were taken during the summer of 2019 at the Puerto Antilla Grand Hotel Huelva.

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