
Experience the excitement of the sports events.

Coocked : Ana Colmenero


The desire to have fun and lots of energy


Adults · Families · Kids · Youths

The recipe, step by step

6th to 21st August: the thrill of the world´s greatest sports competition

We put at the disposal of all the hotels and campsites with whom we work a number of promotional materials such as Roll-ups with images. We also plan together the activities schedule for these dates. In this way we make the most of every single sporting event.

In the video we tell you what the World Cup 2014 as like for us. We’ll use the same approach for Euro 2016.

Vinicius y Tom, conociendo Río de Janeiro y Brasil

The clue’s in the names of their mascots – the 2016 Olympics will take place in an amazing city with a fantastic musical, arts and gastronomic culture, which we’ll present to the hotel and campsite guests through a variety of special activities.

For example, there will be a special batacuda (a type of Brazilian music and dance event) on the day of the opening ceremony.

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