Ice Cream Day


Coocked : Gloria Rodríguez


Choreographed dances + Ice cream cart + Ice creams + Ice-cream seller outfits + Inflatables in the shape of ice creams + Minimal team of 3 entertainers



The recipe, step by step

A day for all the family

We devote a day to ice cream, implementing an activity programme for all ages dedicated on sweet things.

We promote the sale of your products via diverse activities throughout the day. Want to come along?

Let's start in the miniclub!

Young children do painting, colouring-in, and handicrafts such as making garlands and ice-cream-shaped crowns.

Afterwards they participate in a fun scavenger hunt all over the establishment, with puzzles, clues and team games.


Themed water games

We cool down with our families by the pool playing inflatable ice-cream water games: races, jumps and competitions.

Who will cross the lilo the fastest without dropping the ball? Who will get the furthest on the floating water mat? There’s only one way to know… join in the games!

Detox ice creams and charity ice creams

We’ll show you how to make your own healthy detox ice creams in an exquisite demonstration. Because enjoying a tasty ice cream is not incompatible with looking after yourself!

Ice cream day will also give us the chance to give to charity: choose an ice cream and donate the proceeds to a good cause.  

A great end to the party

Dances and, of course, ice cream for everyone. The mascot might even entertain you with the ice-cream dance steps!

Race you! There will be queues for the photocall as nobody will be able to resist posting pictures of this delicious party on social media.

We organise themed days to suit all tastes, adapted to the type of guest and to the requirements of each establishment. Ice Cream Day is one of our latest innovations!

Cool down in the summer with a day chock-full of activities for all ages. We create fun moments for all the family during which little ones and their elders enjoy the ice-cream day while they learn, play together and collaborate on good causes.

The images and the video which accompany this entry were taken in summer 2019 at the Puerto Antilla Grand Hotel Huelva.

You can see more themed days here.

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