Fiesta Friends


Coocked : Iria Corral


Acrobats + Bolas + Dancers + DJ + Drums + Foam + Live music


Adults · Families · Youths

The recipe, step by step

The carnival fills the hotel with rhythm and colour

The sun’s shining and the guests are cooling down by the pool… The music starts and the rhythm and fun-filled Fiesta Friends party begins.

We bring the carnival to the hotel with a multicultural and multi-coloured parade in which samba, bolas, drums and acrobatics combine to create wow effects which the guests will never forget.

Foam, DJ and the Conga in the pool!

The pool is covered in foam and the entertainment team’s DJ prepares to play fantastic music. The show continues and the hits keep coming. The guests just can’t stop dancing.

Jumps, palm trees, bags of energy…and then it’s Conga time! Want to join it?


Live music beneath the stars

Night falls and the party goes on… We enjoy the biggest hits in the history of rock with a stellar performance from the Golden Years band. The guests savour their cocktails, dancing to the rhythm of the music and singing along to the choruses of the legendary songs.

The perfect end to a great day full of surprises!

Fiesta Friends is a personalised themed party that everyone enjoys. It goes beyond entertainment to create experiences and happenings to beguile guests as discerning as those of the Hotel Tigotan Lovers & Friends.

At Acttiv we have launched this “made-to-measure for the establishment” party with a team of dancer entertainers, a DJ and an entertainment coordinator who will direct proceedings.

The photos and the video document the Fiesta Friends launch at the Hotel Tigotan Lovers & Friends Tenerife in summer 2019.

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