A Sincro show in which families, children and adults participate

Coocked : Karell Rodríguez


Cloakroom + Digital Clock + Giant dice + Projector + Screen + Team of two entertainers


Adults · Families · Kids · Youths

The recipe, step by step

What is KUAK-KUAK?

KUAK-KUAK is a hilarious Sincro show. A game in which the public participates, forming teams captained by one of the competitors.  Guessing games, challenges, surprises, the KUAK-KUAK tests are played according to the giant dice. The team with the best captain will win!

Why choose KUAK-KUAK for the evening entertainment at your establishment?

KUAK-KUAK combines the ingredients needed to make a successful show at your establishment : it’s for all ages, it’s fun (it encourages the creativity and imagination of the participants) and in addition, it can be put together with other entertainment activities to create a great day.

KUAK-KUAK or the Goose Game (similar to the classic game, Snakes and Ladders)

KUAK-KUAK is our version of Snakes and Ladders. To pay tribute to it, you can initiate the “Day of the Goose” with various tests in which adults, children and families participate. Fun guaranteed!

KUAK-KUAK is a Sincro production, our events format with synchronised projection. We’ve created it so you can make the evening entertainment at your establishment even more exciting. Designed for all ages, this show will ensure that the clients at your establishment never forget their holiday.

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